About the Book
Things happen in our daily lives and we can often feel overwhelmed by our experiences. Taking the time to realize that something good can come from even the most difficult circumstances will help us realize how all of these situations are wonderful opportunities for us to grow into the authentic person we were created to be. With every tragedy a triumph is waiting to be revealed. How we respond to what life seems to present will make all the difference. Looking at things from a different perspective will help you see the beauty that is all around you. Every day is a new opportunity for you to take chances. Be brave, give yourself and others grace and most importantly remember to step out of your own way.
APRIL 17th

About the Author
Mari has spent many years as a public speaker and educator in the life saving field of child passenger safety. Her passion and commitment to helping families feel confident through teaching and connecting to others for support has inspired her to share her personal journey.
Hiding behind a professional persona became a way of avoiding traumatic experiences. Mari’s passion to motivate and inspire confidence in others became a career mission. Her ability to always find a silver lining in seemingly difficult situations is what motivated her to become an author. While Mari’s reputation of a respected expert grew, she realized that she had connected her very self worth to her career. Who was she without that? Overcoming her own fear of self judgment and worthiness, she realized by sharing her personal words and perspectives she was able to embrace her own authenticity.
Mari believes that through community and connection we find the confidence and support that we need to truly see ourselves and live from a more graceful and genuine place. As a mother, grandmother and wife Mari views everyday as a new chance to be a better version of herself as she continues to learn to embrace and accept all of her many parts.